Oh! Happy Day!
I am so excited that words or a new lip gloss could not even begin to explain, at least for the next 24 hours. Every morning I usually try to read the newspaper to see what is going on in and around my world. (Remember ladies, a knowledge of current events are a great asset). Lately, I have been going to Shake Your Beauty blog to see what's going on in the world of Ms. Tia and beauty. I scrolled down today to see what was happening and she mentioned me on her blog. I was so excited that I am still grinning ear to ear. Luv, love, amore, aimer, Ms. Tia.
I have a new product that I am really loving. Since I am on the other side of 30, I have really started to put intense focus on my eye area. I am in deep and unrequited love with Estee Lauder's Perfectionist Power Correcting Patch. ($100 for 8 patches). Quite pricey, but I plan to use every three weeks. Focusing on the eye area BEFORE lines appear are crucial.
This season the magazines are calling for "sexy but classy" look for makeup. This can be achieved with pretty and neutral shades. I love mixing MAC's Golden Bronze Iridescent Loose Powder with my Bobbi Brown Tinted Moisturizer. This gives a lovely glow. I then add cream blush, powder blush for some POP and use Bobbi Brown's Brick Shimmer Powder in Bronze or Apricot all over. Next, put on your best lips and you are ready to go. Very sexy, very classy, very pretty. I love the way European women are so comfortable with their sexuality. It's not so in your face, OC, LA or Malibu Beach. It's subtle because they have a wonderful confidence. C'est magnifique.
Also, the April 2006 In Style has all the best beauty buys for the year. It includes face, body, hair, nails and beauty. I am currently looking for my spring nail look, but haven't found anything that jumps out at me. I have been using OPI's Bubble Bath for almost 4 years and I still haven't found a neutral color that I love as much. I am a runner and this stuff NEVER comes off your toes, no matter how many miles I run. I don't know what formula they use, but the cost is worth it.
Today is the day the Cherry Blossoms are supposed to peak here in DC. It doesn't last long but seeing their beauty along the Tidal Basin is a great way to renew your inner self for spring. Everything begins to blossom so it's time to break out of our winter hibernation rut and spring into action. Pun definitely intended. So, commit to exercise, reading more, relaxing more, and enjoying the beauty that is you. Live in the now and do what makes you happy. I plan to take more cooking classes and invite more people over for dinner. I am so excited that Giada de Laurentiis has a new cookbook out and will be here next week for a signing. I love cooking her simple and delicious Italian meals. If you don't know who she is please check her out on the Food Network. http://www.foodnetwork.com/food/show_ei
Au revoir and tres jolie,

At 5:13 PM,
Charreah said…
Hey Julia! I got to your blog through Tia's and am loving it! It was good to meet you this weekend and so glad you could come to our conference! It was sooo worth the effort to put it on to see you shout us out on your blog, tia shout you out on hers, you shout her out, and the love just goes on and on. Keep us posted on your magazine industry success and we will keep you posted on upcoming events.
At 11:44 PM,
Cece said…
Don't you love Tia's blog?? Its like a networking community for the beauty or in my case beauty/fashion addicted. But anyway I love,Love,LOVE Clinique nailpolish. It never comes off and has the cutest colors. Its pricey at $15 a bottle(at least for me I'm postcollege-firstjob poor) but "pinkini" has become my signature color. So worth it.
At 10:28 AM,
Anonymous said…
Can you recommend an eye cream in a moderate price range? I agree that it's vital to start BEFORE lines appear even though you wont see the benefits until you're late 30s and 40s lol. But I hate to waste money on junk. Thanks!
At 3:54 PM,
Anonymous said…
I also really love Tia's blog (she encapsulates America's Next Top Model with the funny quotes from the girls SO well! Another great beauty site for all chicas (especially those of color) is www.palacinka.com. The've got reviews of everything from Nail products to foundations to hair relaxers! Check it out!
At 3:40 AM,
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