Foodie Weekend
- I wash my face with a gentle cleanser. I already mentioned I love Oil of Olay, so I use the Foaming Face Wash. I often switch this up and use Dermalogica's Extra Cleansing Gel which is easy on the face.
- After washing, I apply witch hazel as my toner. I know this is drying, but it works for me. Sometimes I switch up and use Kiehl's Rosewater Toner without alcohol, but lately it's just been the WH.
- I apply an under eye cream, specifically targeted for evening. I figured if I use the inexpensive during the day I can splurge on my nights, which I believe is more important. I use Sisleya Eye Cream. Now ladies, this stuff is an arm and a leg in the U.S., so I purchase this in Europe and save at least $75-100. I know you are thinking that's a lot of money, but I drive a very inexpensive car to afford my beauty products.
- I then apply Sisley's throat cream. Yes, I use a throat cream. I don't want to end up like a turkey on Thanksgiving before my time.
- Next, it's a serum. I used to use Revive, which was created by a top plastic surgeon. Of course, a plastic surgeon should know preventative skin care. I switched to one by Chanel and saved a ton of money. Do I miss the Revive. Of course. When I go to Europe I plan to see how much it is there and hopefully I can save myself a few euros.
- I then apply moisturizer. Sometimes I use plain old Vitamin E oil, or Bobbi Brown's Vitamin E cream. I also use Bobbi Brown's Extra Moisturizing Cream, which has the chemistry and makeup of Creme de la Mer. Have I used Creme de la Mer before. Of course, but I figured since Estee Lauder owns both, why not go with the less expensive one. So far it's been doing the job.
By now I'm sure you are going this girl is out of her mind, not really. I just don't want to be one of those women that my friend and makeup artist Sheryl T. Always talks about when I get a makeover. We will spend a fortune on a handbag and our faces look like a mile of dirt road. Don't be one of those women. You only have one face, preserve it as much as you can. As Mikki Taylor wrote in her book, Self Seduction, make an aesthetician part of your temple management team right next to your hairdresser. You won't thank me now, but in 10 years it's worth it.
Au revoir and tout au sujet du joli (Good bye and All About The Pretty in French).
At 1:33 AM,
Anonymous said…
hey...i love ur blog. its soo cute!
At 9:47 AM,
The Franco Fille (francophile) said…
I'm glad I found your blog. I also use the Oil of Olay foaming face wash and have turned a couple people on to it. Getting beauty products in Europe is a good idea. The last time I went to Paris I didn't have room to bring back much. (I chose shoes over beauty!) Anyway, keep writing!
At 1:50 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi I'm new to this site; but you make interesting points. I'm a big fan of Olay products. Right now I using the Total Effects night cream, eye transformation, and Total Effects Moisturizer with UVA/UVB.
At 12:44 PM,
simson11 said…
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