Random Acts of Pretty Kindness
I arrived at work yesterday to a beautiful pink bag full of vanilla goodies. I begin to think, "who gave me this wonderful stuff." I racked my brain because I knew the person had to have read my blog on vanilla. Sure enough it was a really nice co-worker Deidre who turned me on to a new beauty product. Bliss of Venice is located in Venice, California and they carry these amazing Fizzy Shower Bombs. http://store.yahoo.net/blissofvenice/products.html.
They also carry bath bombs, but ladies those Fizzy Shower Bombs are scrumptious. Here's why. The bombs also have an attached moisturizer which dissolves after you use the side with the exfoliation on them. They come packaged and look similar to a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup, but without the extra calories. You will step out of the shower with your body feeling like a newborn baby, all soft and smelling like heaven. Not only are they great products, they are not terribly expensive so you could afford to splurge on various scents. I was given the Hera - Vanilla sandalwood; Thalia - Chocolate Peppermint and Calliope - Sage and Lemongrass. I have already purchased the Bath Salt Shakes, more Fizzy Shower Scrubs and I can't wait until they arrive. The Fizzy Shower Bombs must be ordered before summer because they will melt otherwise. She also topped off my gift with Vanilla Body Butter from The Body Shop. Awesome.
I went to yoga this morning and every time one practices you are to set an intention. My intention was I hope that the kindness Deidre has shown me is given back to her triple fold. It's nice to know there are still good people in the world and that is really what being pretty is all about. Random acts of pretty kindness.
At 1:23 AM,
a•pril said…
Lush is the BEST! We have one here in Toronto on Queen Street, and as soon as you get within a block of the place, you are immersed in it's beautific aromas! The fizzy bath bombs are fabulous... I've not had the pleasure of trying the shower variety, but now I feel like going to pick some up to try immediately! (Too bad for me it's after 1am...) Nice work here on your "pretty" blog!
At 12:28 AM,
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At 7:58 AM,
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